Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yoga Injuries: 5 Tips for Preventing Strain and Sprain

Yoga Retreats and TTC in Nepal and India: Yoga in Nepal, yoga teacher training in Nepal, Retreats and Workshops Varanasi and Everest, Kathmandu Valley with Yogi-Nomad

By Heather L Johnston

Eager anticipation is what most of us feel on signing up for the next yoga class. Often, though, excitement can lead to impulsiveness, and injury. Staying safe means you can enjoy yoga for many sessions to come.

Some people are typically more injury prone than the rest of the population, and need a little extra instruction. If you've had muscle injury, muscle strain or sprain, you know that sometimes it can take months to heal. The pain and discomfort never mind the debilitation, can last several months, keeping you from frequenting your favorite class.

Here are 5 tips for preventing unnecessary injury in your yoga practice.


  1. Listen to your Yoga Instructor's cues Your instructor may give cues such as:- In the equestrian pose (lunge), be sure that the front knee is straight above the ankle. - Lift your knee caps up by contracting the front upper thighs (quadriceps).- Keep the knees directly over the ankles, the hips over the knees, the shoulders over the hips, etc.All cues are given for you to fully experience your body in the pose, to be aware of the normal position of the muscles, and to keep you safe from an injury that could keep you 'out' for months.
  2. Listen to your body: - Be aware of your muscle strength or weakness when you are working at your edge. Some people like to work at the edge, working towards and expanding the body's limits. Expanding your boundaries takes consistent practice and time. Injuries take much more time, and can cause you to lose much of the strength and flexibility, that you've gained over time. You may as well take your time and get continued, measurable results, then to have your dreams, or your classes come to an abrupt halt indefinitely.
  3. Clear away anything you may fall on, or against: How romantic... doing yoga by the fireplace, by candle light, in the dark, balancing on one leg. Yes, I've done it. Maybe it's not the best idea. A little more light, a little less brick, moving to a central location where if you do fall you won't set your hair on fire, or break a limb. Having a look, and clearing out your yoga space prior to practice should avoid any unnecessary injury.
  4. Have NO intoxicants before practicing yoga: Part of the beauty of yoga is being able to feel your body, to notice how it functions, and to experience a true meditation. While performing yoga poses (stretching, strengthening, holding of poses, twisting, balancing and moving in meditation, how easy would it be to lose balance, fall, pull something out of alignment? All of a sudden you are in agony and heading to the hospital emergency ward. Intoxicants are dangerous when performing yoga. Don't do it.
  5. Practice with a sticky yoga mat: During yoga, depending on the type of class, or how much you overheat, there can be sweating and slippage. It is easy to lose your grip, (hands or feet) on a slippery floor surface. A yoga mat has a non slip surface on top and bottom, so it won't slide on the floor either. Before I started my first yoga class, I thought it might be more economical to buy a bathmat with a non-slip underside.Big mistake! Planting one's face into the floor is the result of slipping, or worse. Buy a good quality sticky yoga mat.


During your yoga practice, it is important to follow your instructor's guidance, to clear your immediate surroundings of clutter, and to tune in to the body's messages.

* Please let the instructor know prior to class, if there are changes to your medical history or, if you have any new injuries, so he/she can continue to keep you safe in practice.

Heather Johnston is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Registered Dental Hygienist and writer based in Cambridge, Ontario Canada. Visit Heather at www.YogaRestores.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_L_Johnston

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dancing Illusion Katmandu, Sep'10

Yoga Retreats and TTC in Nepal and India: Yoga in Nepal, yoga teacher training, Retreats and Workshops Varanasi and Everest, Kathmandu Valley with Yogi-Nomad Nepal news

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Nepal's most celebrated festival Badadashain begins

Yoga Retreats and TTC in Nepal and India: Yoga in Nepal, yoga teacher training, Retreats and Workshops Varanasi and Everest, Kathmandu Valley with Yogi-Nomad

Nepal's most celebrated festival Badashain began on Friday, which is celebrated by the Hindhu community across the country and is regarded as one of the greatest festival.

The festival is marked for the win over the evil by the supreme power by Goddesses Durga.

The festival that began Friday will last 10 days. It is often called the "Navaratri Parba" or the nine nights festival of Badadashain.

The first day of Badadashain festival is called "Ghatasthapana" that falls on the first day of the bright half of the lunar calendar in the month of October.

On Friday or the day of Ghatasthapana, all Hindu Nepalese worship Diyo (an oil-fed lamp), Kalas (auspicious jar) and lord Ganesh in accordance with Vedic rituals and sow maize and barley seeds in a jar filled with soil and cow dung for germination of the auspicious Jamara (barley shoots).

The Jamara (barley shoots) are later on the 10th day is cut and along with the auspicious are given by parents to their children and by elders to their juniors on the tenth day of the Badadashain festival with blessings for peace, progress and prosperity.

There is also a tradition of sacrificing animals while initiating the germination of the "Jamara".

Monday, October 4, 2010

CorePower Yoga Mayurasana (Peacock Pose)

Yoga Retreats and TTC in Nepal and India: Yoga Teacher Training Courses Nepal, Retreats and Workshops Varanasi and Everest,Yoga Kathmandu Valley with Yogi-Nomad
Asana of the Month provides you with the tools to deepen and expand your knowledge of postures commonly practiced in CorePower Yoga classes. Tune in to discover a new Asana every month. This month, learn how to move into Mayurasana, or peacock pose; a difficult, but liberating arm balance.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Nepal Travel Advice

Yoga Retreats and TTC in Nepal and India: Yoga Teacher Training Courses Nepal, Retreats and Workshops Varanasi and Everest,Yoga Kathmandu Valley with Yogi-Nomad
Nepal may be an unpredictable country for organized people. People here live in more relaxed and carefree way and there are no strict patterns of life followed by people. In order to immerse yourself with the new country, flexibility and take it easy approach will be immensely helpful. The more you are relaxed and easy the more you can enjoy the places and people.

Banking in Nepal
Nepal has many nationalized as well as private banking ventures. The highest authority on the pyramid is The Reserve Bank of Nepal. Banks are open 9 am to 3 pm Monday through more.....